Dinner with NO dishes!
Imagine a delicious dinner served right at home-with no dirty dinner dishes! Give this Poisson au Papillote a go. All of ingredients are...
Celebrate Spring with this Asparagus & Vidalia Onion Quiche!
Spring has sprung, bringing with it tender asparagus and sweet Vidalia onions! Enjoy this Quick & Easy for Meatless Mondays, Saturday...
Save the Date: Dinner Deja Vu Launch Party!
Dinner Deja Vu Cookbook Release Party! Open to the public Save the Date Join Chef Jennifer Hill Booker Wednesday, March 15th 6-8pm The...
February 27 is National Strawberry Day!
5 Things You Don't Know About Strawberries! 1. Strawberries aren’t berries at all! They are considered by botanists to be their own fruit!...
6 Simple Rituals for Success
Years ago a dear friend shared this with me-I do my best to follow them daily. They keep me motivated and on track to succeed at whatever...
Oysters Lovers Rejoice!
On a recent trip to New Orleans, I discovered chargrilled oysters-and my life has been forever changed! Those of you who've experience...
It's Here! Dinner Deja Vu: Southern Tonight, French Tomorrow, has an early release.
Order you Copy: Dinner Déjà Vu Southern Tonight, French Tomorrow Southern-born Jennifer Hill Booker traveled to Paris to study French...
Sweets 4 the Sweet
Say I Love You with these lovely meringue cookies. These cookies are light and crisp and put me in mind of crisp marshmallow. Meringue...
Aphrodisiacs . . . real or wishful thinking?
What Makes Aphrodisiacs so . . . well. . . darn sexy? Mmm, just imagine, the rich creamy sensation coating your entire mouth, trickling...
Atlanta chef wins Round 1 of Super Bowl Culinary Cook-off
In the lead-up to Super Bowl LI between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots, one local chef this week won Round 1 of a...