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NPR's Closer Look: Culinary Travels Of African-American Women; And Defining 'Soul Food'.

Closer Look: Culinary Travels Of African-American Women;

And Defining 'Soul Food'

Thursday on "Closer Look with Rose Scott":

  • 0:00: Rose Scott interviews Antoine McNeal, founder of Taste of Soul Atlanta. McNeal talks about the expansive soul food industry in Atlanta, and why he created the festival, which takes place on the Westside.

  • 15:09: A conversation with three female leaders in the culinary industry. Chef Deborah VanTrece, executive chef and owner of Twisted Soul Cookhouse & Pours, Chef Jennifer Hill Booker, a 20-year veteran and award-winning mixologist, Tiffanie Barriere, have been invited to present a collaborative dinner at the famed James Beard House in New York — a first for three African-American women. They sit down with Rose Scott to talk about race, gender and southern cuisine vs. soul food.

Here’s the link to the full interview:

Chef Jennifer's

Cooking Tips:


Plan your menu around your grocer's weekly sales ad. Your ingredients will be in stock, in season, and on sale!


Shop, Cook & Eat Seasonally. In-season produce is fresh, inexpensive, and tasty!


Cook Once & Eat Twice. Cook a double batch of dishes like soups, beans and chili-for those days you don't feel like cooking!

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