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Tips for Your Best Thanksgiving, Ever + Duck Duck Chicken Poultry Seasoning & Rub!

What a year!

With so much time spent whittling away the days in self isolation-I'm surprised to see that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Even in such a challenging year, I still have plenty to be thankful for. My lovely family, good friends, my health (although I could use more exercise) and the opportunity to expand my business with Your Resident Gourmet Cooks! Spice Line.

So, let me share my 'Tips for Your Best Thanksgiving. Ever' with you as a way of saying Thanks for all of the well wishes, words of encouragement and support I've been given all year. And the wish that you find Happiness & Joy this time of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Cooking!

Chef Jenn

Tips for Hosting Your Best Thanksgiving, Ever!

~Whether you're hosting Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving, it should be stress free. So don’t be shy about asking for help! Once you plan your menu, write each course on a strip of paper, place them in a bowl and then ask each of your family members and friends to pull one. That’s the course they’ll be in charge of bringing to Dinner. Encourage them to put a personal touch on their dish and start a new Thanksgiving & Friendsgiving Tradition.

~ A Thanksgiving Celebration shouldn’t break the bank! To avoid paying too much for your ingredients, plan your menu around what’s in season and what’s on sale. No point in planning a menu that uses ingredients that are difficult to find-or too expensive to buy. Look at the sales ad of your favorite grocery store when planning your menu. Those items tend to be in season, locally grown, and less expensive.

~Play to your strengths-and your guests. Assign tasks according to interest and expertise. Do you have a friend who moonlights as a web designer- ask them to decorate the dinner table. If one of your guests has in interest in music have them plan the playlist. Someone with great cocktail glasses? Ask to borrow them-along with a bag of ice.

~Add name cards to your table setting for a little holiday flair. This also helps eliminate the awkwardness of your guests having to decide where to sit and gives you the power to keep prickly personalities apart and even play match maker in placing potential love birds together.

~Start buying your Dinner ingredients now. Less trips to the store makes for a stress-free Thanksgiving and keeps friends from running to the market for last minute or forgotten items. BONUS: Several items that are on sale right before Thanksgiving can be used for other Holiday meals, too. So buy and extra pound or two of butter, and additional flour, sugar, canned pumpkin and your spices, like Duck Duck Chicken Poultry Seasoning & Rub to use for your next holiday. You'll be glad you did!


Chef Jennifer's

Cooking Tips:


Plan your menu around your grocer's weekly sales ad. Your ingredients will be in stock, in season, and on sale!


Shop, Cook & Eat Seasonally. In-season produce is fresh, inexpensive, and tasty!



Cook Once & Eat Twice. Cook a double batch of dishes like soups, beans and chili-for those days you don't feel like cooking!

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