Baby It's Cold Outside!
It's officially Fall. Although it might not be cold outside just yet, it's definitely time to make a pot of savory Chili. My favorite...

My Wonderful Week in New Orleans
A Wonderful Week in New Orleans filled with incredible food & drink.

One Pot Meals: Chef Jennifer's Chili Bowls!
Baby It's Cold Outside-why not warm up with this Quick, Easy & Delicious recipe. With only 7 ingredients-this chili makes the perfect...

ANATOMY OF A CLASSIC: French-Style Succotash! Butter beans and bacon blend with tarragon and
photo by Johhny Autry Jennifer Hill Booker cooks in the place where the South meets France. She arrived there on a trail that took her...

Booker Hill Family on Magnolia Network!
We're Baack! If you missed our Family Dinner debut with Andrew Zimmern, not to worry-we'll be available on Magnolia Network starting...

Family Dinner w/ Andrew Zimmern and the Hill Booker Family!
It has been so hard keeping this under wraps-but I finally get to share the fact that my family was featured on the Awesome Discovery+...

FREE Sample of Baby It's Cold Outside Chili Seasoning & Chili
Meet Chef Jennifer, this Saturday-October 16th, at the Freedom Farmer's Market for a FREE sample of her Baby It's Cold Outside Chili...

What I'm Cooking This Weekend . . .
Fall Is Officially Here! Time to pull out your Dutch ovens, slow cookers and dust off those stick to your ribs recipes. As a chef, Fall...

What I'm Cooking This Weekend . . .
Chorizo, Black Bean & Sweet Potato Chili . . . here's another one of my tried and true tailgating favorites. The addition of my Baby It's...

What I'm cooking this weekend . . .
Enjoy summer with this Simple, Easy & Delicious Grilled Shrimp, Corn & Bean Salad. For those of you lucky enough to have my Moulin Rouge...